dinner. (there will be more stuff here soon)

okay so i have a korg monotron delay now, which i've been using to make analogue audio YTPs.
they have been optimized in the glorious OPUS format for your streaming convenience.
monotron_foe_1.opus (567 KB)
monotron_foe_2.opus (567 KB)
monotron_foe_3.opus (505 KB)
monotron_hm_1.opus (986 KB)
also i'm working on YTPs again, whenever i'm in the mood.
have a free sample of my super freeze breath

Audio Router: Routes audio from programs to different audio devices. Basically does what CheVolume does, but slightly better and for free.
Virtual Audio Cable: Allows users to transfer audio streams from one application to another (the Audio Repeater (MME) appplication that comes with it is highly useful for streaming with OBS.)